Imdina, also known as the 'Silent City,' is a fortified medieval town located in the center of Malta. Renowned for its rich history, stunning architecture, and tranquil atmosphere, Imdina serves as a cultural gem and a significant tourist site. The city's narrow streets, baroque buildings, and impressive palaces reflect its historical importance as the former capital of Malta. Visitors can explore attractions such as the Mdina Cathedral, the National Museum of Natural History, and enjoy panoramic views from the city walls.
Best Tours To Imdina
3 hours
Experience the splendour of Malta under the stars and appreciate the island in a different setting, away from the hustle and bustle of the daytime crowds.
4 hours
Explore the mediaeval city of Mdina, enjoy panoramic views from Dingli Cliffs, and wander through 17th-century botanic gardens on this half-day tour with a licenced guide.
8 hours
Embark on a guided day tour to discover the splendour of Mdina and some of Malta's most popular attractions, such as the Rotunda of Mosta, San Anton Botanical Gardens, Dingli Cliffs, St. Cataldus Catacombs, and the Ta' Qali Artisan Village.
10 hours
Explore our gorgeous island with ease, flexibility, and no stress. Enjoy the services of a professional private chauffeur for 4 to 10 hours. Get picked up from anywhere in Malta and visit Valletta, Mdina, the Blue Grotto, and much more...
8 hours
Experience the beauty and charm of Malta & Gozo in the most comprehensive way possible, enjoy this 5-day guided excursions package which includes all the main higlights of the Maltese islands.