The Manaslu Circuit Trek is getting higher and extra popular as a new trekking destination. The circuit is an attractive trek with marvelous views of Mount Manaslu (8163 m) and the Ganesh Himal Range. Along the trail, you come upon a fascinating mix of actual Hindu and Tibetan-style Buddhist villages. The path follows the remarkable Budhi Gandaki River from Arunghat to its source just beneath the Larkya Pass (5125 m). As you begin low, the landscapes are extraordinarily various ranging from green nation-state and lush forests to magnificent high-altitude views skirting big glaciers.
The Manaslu Circuit Trek is the perfect trek for those looking for the local way of life with a few other foreign traffic to encounter. Let your representative at Himalayan Planet Adventures explain the magical charm of the Manaslu Circuit Trek. It may also indeed be the proper trek for you.