Wadi Rum in Jordan

Wadi Rum is all you can expect from a fantastic desert! Here, the sun is violent and moody, slicing through canyons in the early morning or melting the division between rock and sand at sunset. The heat in summer is extreme, and the cold in winter is intense. For the lucky travelers who can afford a day or two to sleep over at one of the desert camps, it can be a memorable and unforgettable experience.

The Wadi Rum is the Mars of our planet in Jordan, and with its red rocks and sands and its colossal size, it won’t shock you why they call it the Mars on Earth. This place is the homeland for Bedouin people, as many generations of them have lived there and left many historical inscriptions for us to discover.

It’s a magical land of wilderness and stunning landscape. No wonder why a lot of moviemakers chose this place to shoot their sci-fi and historical movies. For example, the 2015 movie The Martian or the 2012 movie Prometheus.

The Wadi Rum is a heaven for adventurers; if you are one of them, just get in your car and hit the road of this fantastic land. One of your options is also flying with a balloon to admire the natural landscape and see the mysterious sky during the night. With all those unique sceneries, what’s not to love about the Wadi Rum in Egypt? Who regrets visiting this magnificent place?


The History

There is a rich historical place everywhere you look in Wadi Rum. Because it was inhabited from prehistoric times, you can see different signs of different tribes and eras. This desert was a great place to rest for the caravans traveling from Arabia to the Levant. The most noticeable and the majority of the people who lived here were Bedouins. You can see that tribes like Ad, Main, Lihyan, and Thamud live here as they did a long time ago and still gather around together. But if you have seen Lawrence of Arabia, you would know that the movie was shot in here as the real Thomas Edward Lawrence was there with the Arab leaders of The Arab revolt of 1918.

Wadi Rum in Jordan
Wadi Rum, Jordan


Magical Landscapes

There are many landscapes in this desert, each one has its specific features, and it’s better to read about them before visiting. It helps you find an option that matches your priorities. Anyway, here are some of the most famous landscapes of  Wadi Rum in Jordan.

Lawrence’s House

This place was a shelter for the Bedouins traveling to Damascus and Petra to stay safe against the Bandits and the desert’s rough wind.

Qatar Spring

One of the oldest Springs in the Wadi Rum. A place for different wild animals to come and drink water and for travelers to rest a little.

Anfeshiyeh inscriptions

The engravings marked the way for the travelers to get water or find the best path, and some even warned travelers of the dangers of this desert.

Nabatean Temple

That is a beautiful and historical temple placed near The Wadi Rum village worth checking out.

Mushroom stones

Mushroom-shaped sandstones carved by Bedouins and historians claim they are at least a hundred years old.

Lawrence’s Spring

this spring was a place for travelers to rest, and after the famous movie Lawrence of Arabia, they named this place after Lawrence.

Wadi Rum in Jordan
Wadi Rum, Jordan


What to do in this desert

There are lots of activities you can do. But don’t forget to ask your guide if they are available on your tour or not. You can go Rock climbing in the mountains if you can afford a trained rock climber guide with the necessary equipment. It should be a great experience and a great way to test your physical strength and Stamina.

You can even go for hot air ballooning! Yes, you heard it right, Hot air Ballooning. You can find this experience very romantic and fun. The balloon takes off at dawn, and from up there, you can see this magnificent land inch by inch.

Why not check out the camel races? These camel races are events planned by locals or the sheiks that are visiting. We suggest you check these amazing events.

You can ride horses! There are different tours that you can ride a horse through the journey and experience how the locals and Lawrence used to travel around this desert.

When there is a full moon, you can camp with your fellow travelers to look at the full moon. You don’t want to miss this opportunity!

Wadi Rum in Jordan
Wadi Rum, Jordan


What to expect from Wadi Rum

Don’t forget to book a guide. You have to have a guide to enjoy the full enjoyments and experience everything without any trouble. So don’t forget to Pre-book a guide and a tour with your preferences.

Be ready for the hot weather in the day and the cold and chilly nights at night. So always bring a set of clothes appropriate for such an environment.

As we mentioned before, there are different tribes, so always act appropriately and do what the tour guide tells you to do so you stay out of trouble. These people are mostly calm and hospitable but act with caution.

There is no need to speak of the harsh environment in this desert. There are no hotels and classy places to stay. But there are different camps and shelters, and Bedouin tents, so don’t expect a comfortable journey! But we can say it is worth the experience.

Watch out for Scammers! Some people will tell you that they will get you to the Wadi Rum desert, but instead, they will drop you off in the Disi desert. They will lie to you about the camp names, so don’t trust strangers and get a safe and reliable guide so you won’t get into any of these problems.

We hope you would have an incredible journey, but you should expect problematic situations and environments as any journey. Don’t be afraid! It’s just a kind of challenge for a journey. Don’t you like a challenging experience?

Wadi Rum Camping, Jordan
Wadi Rum Camping, Jordan


What you need in the desert

For traveling through desert land and its roughness, you need certain items that will come in handy and make this journey far more comfortable and fun. So let’s go through them one by one.

Camelbak hydration pack

This backpack shaped water container is pretty useful if you are hiking or climbing rocks in the desert. It has a tube that directly goes to the water container, and you don’t need to stop to drink from it, and we all know how much being hydrated in the desert is essential.


Don’t forget to bring one of these so your trip won’t get ruin by sunburn in the hot and sunny desert.

Shamag or Bandana

A Shamag or a bandana can be used as a lot of things. For example, as a face mask or as a headband and even use them as a flag for your tent, you make yourself easier to find in between tents.

Dry towel

A light-weighted towel that can be used for a lot of uses. You can use it to dry your sweats or wash them or pour water on them and use it as wet tissue and clean yourself in rough situations.

First aid kit

There is no need to say how much you need to have a first aid kit for the desert. In case of any injuries, this kit should come in handy.

Wadi Rum in Jordan
Wadi Rum, Jordan


Have you ever been there?

There is nothing better than visiting a city when you want to discover it. I mean, the best descriptive texts can not bring you the feeling of a single moment of being there. This is the magic of a place that surprises you with many things to see and discover. How did you find your visit to Wadi Rum in Jordan? Let us know about your experience.

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